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True Crime Book Club - Past Titles: Dec. 2022

Trigger Warning: Take a look through our previous titles from our True Crime Book Club.

Charles Manson: Fact vs. Fiction

Early Life

  • Charles Manson, (born November 12, 1934, in Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.- died November 19, 2017, in Kern county, California). (Britannica)
  • Even as a child, Manson was a genius at pulling strings and deflecting blame, either running from trouble or flummoxing his accusers with a saintly smile. He was the bad seed turned jailbird turned spiritual guru; the catalyst for a notorious 1969 killing spree that claimed the life of the Hollywood actor Sharon Tate among numerous others, selected almost at random. (The Guardian)
  • There's nothing mystical or magical about Charles Manson. He's a gifted psychopath who's a talented liar who's lied about just about everything. (Jeff Guinn, USA Today)
  • I don't think he was ever insane. I do think he was always selfish, self-absorbed, and deliberately manipulative. It is also possible having kept up the "Crazy Charlie" act for so long, that this has become more of his persona than the old calculating Charlie. There's no way to know. I don't think he would know. But I do think much of what we've seen is a deliberate act. He knows how to get attention, he knows how to hold attention. Let's face it, he's done that now for going on half a century. He's a performer. (Jeff Guinn, USA Today)
  • Manson was born Charles Milles Maddox on November 12, 1934, in Cincinnati, Ohio, to Kathleen Maddox, a 16-year-old girl who was both an alcoholic and a prostitute. (Biography)

The Manson Family

"The Family" was a group of around 100 followers of Manson who shared his passion for an unconventional lifestyle and habitual use of hallucinogenic drugs, such as LSD and magic mushrooms. (Biography)

The Tate Murders

  • Charles Manson directed Charles Watson, Susan Atkins, Linda Kasabian, and Patricia Krenwinkel to enter the Tate residence (formerly the Melcher residence, who rejected Mason’s music compilation) and to “destroy everyone in it – as gruesome as you can.” Watson, Atkins, Kasabian, and Krenwinkel all climbed up a brushy platform to gain entrance into the property. While they were trespassing, Steven Parent, a visitor of the residence’s caretaker, William Garretson, was leaving the property in his vehicle. Watson stopped Parent, swung a knife at him, and then shot him four times in the chest and abdomen.
  • Watson entered the residence by cutting the screen of a window and opened the front door for Atkins and Krenwinkel. Kasabian was at the end of the driveway to “keep watch.” Watson and the group entered the residence and found Tate, Folger, Frykowski, and Sebring. Tate and Sebring were tied together by their necks, and Folger was taken into a nearby bedroom. Sebring was shot and stabbed seven times. Frykowski was bound by a towel but managed to free himself. After doing so, he became involved in a physical altercation with Atkins resulting in her stabbing him in the legs. Frykowski continued to flee, but Watson struck him with the gun multiple times over the head, shot, and stabbed him multiple times. The gun grip broke off as a result of Watson striking Frykowski over the head.
  • Folger fled the room she was taken to and then was chased by Krenwinkel. Folger was stabbed by Krenwinkel and eventually stabbed by Watson as well. Folger was stabbed a total of 28 times by both Krenwinkel and Watson. Meanwhile, Frykowski was struggling across the lawn when Watson came to stab him again. Frykowski was stabbed a total of 51 times.
  • While witnessing the horrific crimes, Tate pleaded with Atkins for mercy but was rejected. Tate was stabbed a total of 16 times. Tate’s unborn child did not survive the incident. (Crime Museum)

The LaBianca Murders

  • Manson and six of the Manson family members (Leslie Van Houten, Steve Grogan, Susan Atkins, Linda Kasabian, Patricia Krenwinkel, and Charles Watson) committed another murder. Unlike the Tate murder, Manson joined in on the LaBianca murder because he felt that there was not enough panic among the victims from the Tate murder. Manson and the family members drove around looking for prospective murder victims when they arrived in the neighborhood of a home in which they had attended a party a year prior. The neighboring home belonged to a successful grocery company owner, Leno LaBianca, and his wife, Rosemary.
  • There are several differing accounts from Manson and six Manson family members, so the exact happenings of the murder are not certain. Manson claims he approached the home alone and returned later to bring Watson along. When Manson and Watson were in the residence, they tied up the LaBianca couple with a lamp cord and with pillowcases covering their heads. Manson reassured the couple that they would not be hurt and that they were being robbed. All the cash was collected, and the bound Rosemary was returned to her room. Soon after, Van Houten and Krenwinkel entered the premises with instructions from Manson to kill the couple. Manson left the residence and instructed Van Houten and Krenwinkel to follow Watson’s orders.
  • Watson began stabbing Leno multiple times. Afterward, in the bedroom, Rosemary began to swing the lamp still attached to the cord wrapped around her neck. Van Houten and Krenwinkel yelled for Watson’s aid and stabbed Rosemary multiple times. Watson gave the knife to Van Houten, and she continued to stab Rosemary. Rosemary was stabbed a total of 41 times by Watson, Van Houten, and Krenwinkel.
  • Watson returned to the living room and continued to stab and kill Leno. Krenwinkel carved the word “WAR” into Leno’s stomach, stabbed Leno multiple times, left a carving fork sticking out from his stomach, and left a knife in Leno’s throat. Leno was stabbed a total of 26 times.
  • On the walls of the living room, “Death to pigs” and “Rise” were written in Leno’s blood. On the refrigerator door, a misspelled “Healter Skelter” was smeared.
  • Frank Struthers, Rosemary’s son from a prior marriage, returned from a campaign trip and found it suspicious that the shades were drawn. He also found it suspicious that Leno’s speedboat was still parked in the driveway. Struthers called his sister to alert her, and she came with her boyfriend, Joe Dorgan. Dorgan and Struthers entered the home through the side door and found Leno’s body. LAPD was alerted. (Crime Museum)

Manson Trial

  • During the trial, Manson released an album titled Lie in an effort to raise money for his defense. He reveled in the media attention, and during court proceedings, he turned up with an X carved into his forehead. Some of his female followers copied the act and shaved their heads, sometimes sitting outside the courthouse. The X was gradually modified until it turned into a swastika. (Biography)
  • The jury took a week to deliberate and came to a verdict of guilty for all charges of murder and conspiracy for all defendants. During the penalty phase of the trial, the jury declared the penalty of death. Under the California Supreme Court ruling in 1972, the death penalties for all defendants were commuted to life in prison. (Crime Museum)

Read-Alikes & Resources

Charles Manson in Mindhunter Season 2 : the queen's gambit (2020)


Based on new interviews, this revealing account of one of the most notorious criminals in American history puts Manson in the context of his times, the turbulent end of the 60s, revealing a rock star wannabe whose killings were directly related to his musical ambitions. After more than forty years, Charles Manson continues to mystify and fascinate us. Manson and members of his mostly female commune killed nine people, including pregnant actress Sharon Tate. Now, drawing on new information, the author tells the definitive story of how this ordinary juvenile delinquent became a murderer whose crimes still shock and horrify today.

Discussion Questions

  1. Did you enjoy this book? Why or why not?
    1. Did you find yourself racing to the end? Or was it more of a struggle to finish?
  2. Did you find yourself researching more information about anything in the book? Certain Family members? The time period or setting? Etc.?
  3. How was Manson able to draw people into joining “The Manson Family”?
  4. How did Manson utilize language to gain followers?
  5. Do you believe Manson was a psychopath or a sociopath? What are the similarities and what are differences? Was he just antisocial?
    1. Antisocial Personality Disorder
      1. A mental health disorder characterized by a disregard for other people. Those with antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) may begin to show symptoms in childhood, but the condition can't be diagnosed until adolescence or adulthood. Those with antisocial personality disorder tend to lie, break laws, act impulsively, and lack regard for their safety or the safety of others. Symptoms may lessen with age. Treatment may include talk therapy and support for affected family members.
    2. Psychopathic Traits
      1. A psychopath is a person who has an antisocial personality disorder characterized by a lack of regard for the rights and feelings of others, controlled and manipulative behavior, the absence of shame, and an inability to form emotional relationships.
    3. Sociopathic Traits
      1. A sociopath is a person with a personality disorder that is marked by traits of impulsivity, risk-taking, and violence.
  6. Do you think Manson would’ve been as successful of a cult leader in a different time or place? What made him so successful in the 60s in Los Angeles?
  7. Manson never actually committed any of the murders himself. Do you think he was still guilty of murder? Assisting in a crime? How would you have charged him if you’d been on the prosecution team?
  8. Manson was sentenced to death, but a change in California law commuted his sentence to life in prison. Do you think certain crimes should hold a death sentence? Should he have been grandfathered in? What would you have thought as a jury member?
  9. Linda Kasabian received an immunity plea for her testimony against other members of the Manson Family. Do you think she deserved immunity? How about a reduced sentence? 
  10. Manson’s crimes took place over fifty years ago and yet he is still one of the most well-known criminal celebrities. How do you think we as a society should combat this celebration of evil? Is it better to know the evil lurking in the world or to hide it in disgust? 
  11. How is the book structured? Does the author use any narrative devices like flashbacks or multiple voices in telling the story? How did this affect your reading of the story and your appreciation of the book? Do you think the author did a good job with it?
  12. If this book were to be made into a movie, who would you cast for the main characters?
  13. Does the author present information in a way that is interesting and insightful, and if so, how does he achieve this?

About the Author: Jeff Guinn Jeff Guinn: books, biography, latest update

Other Writings:

True Crime

The Last Gunfight

Go Down Together 


The Road to Jonestown



Dallas Cowboys: The Authorized Pictorial

You Can't Hit the Ball With the Bat on

When Panthers Roared

Sometimes a Fantasy


Silver City


Buffalo Trail


The Autobiography of Santa Claus

How Mrs. Claus Saved Christmas

The Christmas Chronicles

The Great Santa Search

Santa's North Pole Cookbook


The Vagabonds

War on the Border

Our Land Before We Die

Something in the Blood

The Sixteenth Minute



Jeff Guinn on Writing the Book

  • Guinn’s book is a “tour de force of a biography…Manson stands as a definitive work: important for students of criminology, human behavior, popular culture, music, psychopathology, and sociopathology…and compulsively readable” (Ann Rule, The New York Times Book Review).
  • Based on new interviews with previously undiscovered relatives and filled with revelations and unpublished photographs, this is the most authoritative account of the life of Charles Manson (
  • Guinn’s book is three-pronged: there’s the rise and fall of Manson; a thorough look at the 1960s music industry; and the bizarre ambiance of the ’60s — Berkeley and the Haight-Ashbury, Los Angeles and the Spahn Ranch, the sprawling property where the Manson Family settled for a time (Ann Rule, The New York Times Book Review).
  • Although it’s difficult to compare Manson to anyone in terms of psychopathy, Adolf Hitler seems most apt. Both men were megalomaniacs and completely amoral. Both were charming and terrifying, and ultimately failures (Ann Rule, The New York Times Book Review).
  • “To me, what was amazing is how much of this supposed Manson craziness and spontaneous violence was calculated,” Guinn said. “The guy is a puppet master. He is a performer. He definitely is not insane, just evil.” (AZ Central)
  • Guinn’s book relies on exclusive interviews with Manson’s sister and cousin, childhood friends, cellmates, and some of his most ardent former followers to provide a complete picture of a troubled boy who grew into one of history’s most iconic criminals. (AZ Central)
  • “I wanted to write a book that captured the craziness and confusion of the 1960s. ... There were hundreds of Manson books but not the one I wanted to write. The rest of the books almost universally present him as sort of a full-blown monster suddenly showing up in LA. I wanted to know if he is a monster, how did we grow him?” (Jeff Guinn, AZ Central)
  • “It’s getting harder to find those kinds of nonfiction books now because the way a lot of people buy nonfiction books has changed over the last five, 10 years,” Guinn said. “A lot of people no longer want to buy nonfiction to learn things. They want nonfiction books to reflect what they already believe, want books that reinforce their opinions. They want books that tell them everything they believe is absolutely right and that the other side is even worse than they thought.” (Cleburne Times Review)
  • But what makes Jeff Guinn's biography so rich, knotty and gripping is the way it stitches the man into his environment. It shows how the humid climate of late-60s California harbored Manson and allowed him to flourish, at least on the fringes, at least for a while. And by the time it recoiled, the damage was done. (The Guardian)
  • What I do with all my books is to write about an era in American history, and to get readers interested, I usually try to pick an iconic individual event. History doesn't happen in a vacuum. And I wanted to find out with Manson: If he's so terrible, how did we grow such a monster? He didn't just emerge full-blown running around in Los Angeles directing followers to kill people. (Jeff Guinn, USA Today)
  • Jeff Guinn on the Life of Charles Manson

TV & Movies: Charles Manson

The Haunting of Sharon Tate (2019)

Pregnant with director Roman Polanski's child and awaiting his return from Europe, 26-year-old Hollywood actress Sharon Tate becomes plagued by visions of her imminent death.

I Drink Your Blood (1971)

A group of Satanic hippies wreak havoc on a small town where a young boy whose sister and grandfather were victimized by them tries to get even--with deadly results.

Martha Marcy May Marlene (2011)

Haunted by painful memories and increasing paranoia, a damaged woman struggles to re-assimilate with her family after fleeing an abusive cult.

The Strangers (2008)

James Hoyt and Kristen McKay visit an isolated vacation home to enjoy some time together. However, they are in for a rude surprise when three masked assailants make their stay a nightmare.

Wolves at the Door (2016)

Four friends are murdered in their own home for no reason by four members of the Manson Family.

Aquarius (2015-2016)

A gritty 1960s cop drama about LAPD detective Sam Hodiak and his trainee, who must deal with gangs, brutal crimes, changing times, family crises and unhinged manipulative small-time crook Charles Manson, who's slowly building his cult.

Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood (2021)

As Hollywood's Golden Age is winding down during the summer of 1969, television actor Rick Dalton and his stunt double Cliff Booth endeavor to achieve lasting success in Hollywood while meeting several colorful characters along the way.

Manson Family Vacation (2015)

Two brothers tour Charles Manson murder sites. One is a devoted family man. One is devoted to The Family.

Haunting Charles Manson (2014)

A new psychological thriller with a killer twist.

Manson, My Name Is Evil (2009)

Perry, a sheltered chemical engineer, falls in love with Leslie, a former homecoming princess, when he becomes a jury member at her hippie death cult murder trial.

Live Freaky! Die Freaky! (2006)

In a distant future, a cult forms around the Manson Family, when Charles Manson is mistaken for the messiah. Meanwhile, in 1969, Manson convinces his followers to murder Sharon Tate.

The Other Side of Madness (1971)

A mixture of documentary footage and re-enactment scenes, some filmed on the action locations, of the infamous Tate-LaBianca murders committed by the gang known as the Manson Family.

Helter Skelter (1976)

The investigation and trial of the horrific Tate-LaBianca mass murders orchestrated by the psychotic pseudo-hippie cult leader, Charles Manson.

Manson Family Movies (1984)

In response to the legend that the "Manson Family" may have filmed themselves in some of their exploits, this film is a re-creation of a film of what may have been Filmed, When they Occupied Spahn Movie Ranch in 1969. The film, shot in a unsystematic fashion, is an intentionally amateurish "home movie" of the events leading up to, and including, the infamous Tate-LaBianca murders on August 9th into the 10th, 1969

Summer Dreams: The Story Of The Beach Boys (1990)

Dramatization looks at the tumultuous relationship that existed between rock group The Beach Boy's Brian and Dennis Wilson and their father, Murry. It also examines their struggles with drugs and alcohol.

The Manson Family (1997)

A dramatization of the horrific and notorious Manson Family Murders, in the form of super 8 home movies.

Helter Skelter (2004)

A new take on the Manson Family murders, with a keen focus on Charles Manson himself.

House Of Manson aka Manson (2014)

An unflinching chronicle of Charles Manson's life leading up to the orchestration of the Tate and LaBianca murders..

Manson's Lost Girls (2016)

Linda Kasabian falls prey to the hypnotic charms of Charles Manson and his self-proclaimed "family" during the drug-fueled summer of 1969.

Charlie Says (2018)

The tragic tale of an all-American girl who was transformed into a cold-blooded killer in the summer of 1969.

Life After Manson (2014)

"Life After Manson" is an intimate portrait of one of the world's most infamous crimes and notorious killers. An exclusive interview with Manson Family member Patricia Krenwinkel reveals an unlikely relationship with charismatic Charles Manson that led her to cross every line of moral consciousness, culminating in the brutal murders she committed to win approval of the man she loved. 

Charles Manson Superstar (1989)

For forty years, Charles Manson has survived most of his life in what he calls 'the hallways of the all ways,' the reform schools, jails and prisons that have been his home and tomb. His thought was born in the hole of solitary confinement, apart from time and beyond the grasp of society. In his cell, he created his own world and speaks his own language: he has concluded that there is only the mind.

The Book of Manson (1989)

Charles Manson, claiming to be the Second Coming, leads his young followers down the path of sex and murder in this bizarre homage by renowned artist Raymond Pettibon.

The Manson Family Massacre (2019)

In this unique take on the infamous Manson murders we follow two generations of chilling real life events which occur at 10050 Cielo Drive, one of America's most notorious addresses.

The Six Degrees of Helter Skelter (2009)

"The Six Degrees of Helter Skelter" walks in the footsteps of the Manson Family, visiting over 40 locations related to the infamous Tate/LaBianca murders, and tying together the dozens of odd connections between Charles Manson and the Hollywood elite. 

Helter Skelter: An American Myth (2021)

Over 50 years later, Helter Skelter features new interviews and archival material to provide the most comprehensive retelling yet of the Manson Family's crimes, seeking to upend assumptions about this layered, complex story.

The Manson Massacre aka The Cult (1971)

A monk-robed cult leader who lives in a coffin, is transported around in a black hearse. At times he gets sadistic with his girl followers.

TV & Movies: Jeff Guinn

Jonestown: Terror in the Jungle (2018 TV Mini-Series documentary) - writer, producer, personal appearance

Docuseries looking back on the Jonestown Massacre on the 40th anniversary.

Helter Skelter: An American Myth (2020 TV Mini-Series documentary) - personal appearance

Over 50 years later, Helter Skelter features new interviews and archival material to provide the most comprehensive retelling yet of the Manson Family's crimes, seeking to upend assumptions about this layered, complex story.

Manson: Music from an Unsound Mind (2019 Documentary) - personal appearance

The untold story of Charles Manson's obsession to become a rock star, his rise in the LA music scene, the celebrities who championed his music, his tragic friendship with The Beach Boys' Dennis Wilson and his descent into violence and chaos once his dreams fell apart.

Very Scary People (2019 TV Series documentary; episodes 3-4) - personal appearance

A look at the life of Charles Manson, who terrorized Hollywood when he charmed his hippie followers into brutally murdering celebrities.

Truth and Lies: Jonestown, Paradise Lost (2018 TV Movie documentary) - personal appearance

A documentary on the 40th anniversary of the largest murder-suicide in American history, when over 900 members of the Peoples Temple consumed a deadly cyanide-laced drink on the orders of leader Jim Jones.

American Experience: Bonnie & Clyde (January 19, 2016) - personal appearance

Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow embark on a two-year crime spree during the Great Depression and become known as the most famous criminal couple in U.S. history.

CNN Special Report: Face of Evil: The Charles Manson Murders (August 18, 2015) - personal appearance

CNN revisits the vicious, horrific killings by Charles Manson's followers, 45 years later.

BBC Timewatch: The Real Bonnie and Clyde (July 30, 2009) - personal appearance

Using newly-discovered evidence - most notably the diary of Blanche Barrow, one of the members of Bonnie and Clyde's gang - this documentary sheds new light on the careers of two celebrated gangsters.

Love Is a Gun (pre-production) - writer

An alternate take on the story of the bank-robbing duo of Bonnie and Clyde.


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