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Historical Fiction Book Club - Past Titles: "Conjure Women" by Afia Atakora

Take a look through our previous reads for our Historical Fiction Book Club.

"Conjure Women" by Afia Atakora

"Conjure Women" by Afia Atakora is a novel that weaves together historical fiction, magical realism, and themes of slavery and freedom. Here are some discussion questions for the book:

  1. Magic and Folklore:

    • How does the use of magic and folklore contribute to the narrative in "Conjure Women"? In what ways do these elements shape the characters and the overall atmosphere of the novel?
  2. Motherhood and Family:

    • Explore the theme of motherhood in the novel, particularly through the relationships between characters like Rue and Miss May Belle. How do the characters' experiences of motherhood reflect the challenges and complexities of their time?
  3. Slavery and Freedom:

    • Discuss the portrayal of slavery and freedom in the book. How do the characters navigate the limitations imposed by slavery, and in what ways do they seek or find freedom, both physically and emotionally?
  4. Gender Roles and Expectations:

    • Examine the gender roles and expectations placed on the female characters in the novel. How do they challenge or conform to societal expectations, especially considering the historical context of the story?
  5. Community and Isolation:

    • Consider the themes of community and isolation in "Conjure Women." How do the characters find solace or face challenges within their community? How does isolation impact their experiences?
  6. Character Relationships:

    • Analyze the relationships between characters in the novel. How do friendships, romances, and family ties influence the characters' decisions and growth throughout the story?
  7. Historical Accuracy:

    • How does Afia Atakora balance historical accuracy with the fictional elements in "Conjure Women"? Discuss the historical context of the novel, including the time period, setting, and social dynamics.
  8. Healing and Conjure Practices:

    • Explore the role of healing and conjure practices in the story. How do characters like Rue use these practices, and what significance do they hold in the context of the narrative?
  9. Power and Powerlessness:

    • Examine the theme of power and powerlessness in the novel. How do characters navigate power dynamics, and in what ways do they attempt to reclaim agency in their lives?
  10. Endings and Resolutions:

    • Without giving away spoilers, discuss the resolutions and endings for the characters. Were there any surprises, and how did the resolutions contribute to the overall themes of the novel?

The timeline of the American South before and after the Civil War reflects significant historical events, including the antebellum period, the Civil War, Reconstruction, and the subsequent years. Here is a timeline highlighting key moments:

Before the Civil War (Antebellum Period):

  1. 1607-1776: Colonial Period:

    • The Southern colonies (Virginia, Maryland, the Carolinas, Georgia) were established, relying heavily on agriculture, particularly tobacco, rice, and indigo.
  2. 1619: Arrival of African Slaves:

    • The first recorded arrival of African slaves in the English colonies occurred in Jamestown, Virginia.
  3. Late 18th Century: Cotton Gin and Expansion:

    • Eli Whitney's invention of the cotton gin in 1793 led to an increase in cotton production, expanding the reliance on slave labor and reinforcing the institution of slavery.
  4. Early 19th Century: Slavery Expands:

    • The institution of slavery expanded westward as new territories were acquired, exacerbating tensions between slave and free states.
  5. 1820: Missouri Compromise:

    • The Missouri Compromise attempted to maintain a balance between slave and free states by admitting Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state.
  6. 1831: Nat Turner's Rebellion:

    • Nat Turner led a slave rebellion in Virginia, resulting in increased tensions over the issue of slavery.
  7. 1846-1848: Mexican-American War:

    • The acquisition of new territories after the war intensified debates over whether these territories would allow slavery (Wilmot Proviso).
  8. 1850: Compromise of 1850:

    • The Compromise of 1850 attempted to address issues arising from the acquisition of new territories, including the Fugitive Slave Act.
  9. 1854: Kansas-Nebraska Act:

    • The Kansas-Nebraska Act allowed settlers in these territories to decide on the issue of slavery through popular sovereignty.
  10. 1857: Dred Scott Decision:

    • The Supreme Court's Dred Scott decision held that enslaved individuals were property and not citizens, further polarizing the nation.

Civil War (1861-1865):

  1. 1861-1865: Civil War:

    • The Southern states seceded from the Union, leading to the Civil War between the Confederacy (South) and the Union (North).
  2. 1863: Emancipation Proclamation:

    • President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, declaring enslaved individuals in Confederate-held territories to be free.
  3. 1865: Confederate Surrender:

    • General Robert E. Lee surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Court House, effectively ending the Civil War.

After the Civil War (Reconstruction and Beyond):

  1. 1865-1877: Reconstruction Era:

    • The Reconstruction period attempted to address the aftermath of the Civil War, including issues of citizenship, civil rights, and rebuilding the Southern states.
  2. 1865: 13th Amendment:

    • The 13th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified, abolishing slavery in the United States.
  3. 1868: 14th Amendment:

    • The 14th Amendment granted equal protection under the law to all citizens, including former slaves.
  4. 1870: 15th Amendment:

    • The 15th Amendment granted voting rights regardless of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
  5. 1877: Compromise of 1877:

    • The Compromise of 1877 marked the end of Reconstruction as federal troops were withdrawn from the South, leaving states to manage their affairs.
  6. Late 19th Century: Jim Crow Laws:

    • Southern states implemented Jim Crow laws, enforcing racial segregation and suppressing the rights of African Americans.
  7. 1896: Plessy v. Ferguson:

    • The Supreme Court's decision in Plessy v. Ferguson upheld the constitutionality of "separate but equal" facilities, contributing to institutionalized segregation.
  8. Early 20th Century: Great Migration:

    • African Americans began the Great Migration, moving from the rural South to northern cities in search of economic opportunities and escaping racial discrimination.
  9. Mid-20th Century: Civil Rights Movement:

    • The Civil Rights Movement emerged, advocating for equal rights and challenging segregation. Landmark legislation, including the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, aimed to end segregation and protect voting rights.
  10. Late 20th Century: Desegregation and Change:

    • Desegregation efforts increased, leading to changes in education, public facilities, and workplaces. The South underwent significant social and economic transformations.

This timeline provides an overview of major events in the American South before, during, and after the Civil War, illustrating the complex historical developments that shaped the region.

Afia Atakora:

  1. Background:

    • Afia Atakora was born and raised in Northampton, Massachusetts.
  2. Educational Background:

    • She earned her MFA in Creative Writing from Columbia University.
  3. Literary Career:

    • Afia Atakora is recognized for her work as a novelist and her exploration of historical fiction with elements of magic and folklore.
  4. Debut Novel - "Conjure Women" (2020):

    • "Conjure Women" is Afia Atakora's debut novel, and it garnered attention for its rich storytelling and the exploration of themes related to slavery, freedom, and magic. The novel weaves together the lives of characters in the antebellum South.
  5. Literary Accolades:

    • "Conjure Women" received positive reviews for its historical depth, intricate characters, and the blending of magical realism with the historical narrative.
  6. Themes in Her Work:

    • Afia Atakora's writing often delves into themes related to history, race, gender, and the complexities of human relationships. Her work has been praised for its nuanced exploration of the African American experience.
  7. Recognition and Impact:

    • Afia Atakora has gained recognition for her contributions to literature, particularly for her ability to engage readers in immersive historical storytelling.
  8. Public Engagement:

    • She has participated in literary events, discussions, and engagements that contribute to the broader literary and cultural dialogue.


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